Sunday, January 2, 2011

Opening Weekend of Pheasant Season at the Farm - October 2010

Every year, Dave and his family and some friends get together at the Fredrickson farm for opening weekend of pheasant hunting season. It is a huge - and fun - family tradition. Everyone visits and hunts together, shares a big meal and some drinks. The kids run around the farm together, play outside, greet the hunters when they come back for the evening. Fun is definitely had by all! :) Dave's grandparents, the Fredricksons, lived on this farm, and Dave grew up playing and roaming around here.

Rowan with his "gun" - be vewy, vewy quiet...I'm hunting wabbits!

Sunset at the farm

Cabela, the bird dog....first year hunting pheasants (at 8 years old!)

Rowan chowing down with some of his cousins

The hunting party

Dave and his cousin, Lance

3 birds with 2 shots!

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